Tonight’s show: Bill Cosby and The Quest for More Pudding Part II. Inspired by an article written by our own brilliant Hannah Wallen. Our 4 intrepid ponderers attempt to unravel the thorny knots of social, cultural and political intrigue. Will our adventurers wander towards the valley of conspiracy and perilously close to the village of tin hats? Or will they take that left tern at Albuquerque? With talk of comedic cartels, media giants, social justice warriors and an epic dog-pile of character assassination: will we ever know the fate our beloved Cosby Dad? Strap yourselves in as we venture into: the Badger Cave.
Host: Alison Tieman
Participants: Hannah Wallen, Brian Martinez, SourGrape
Tune in: December 1st, 9 PM Eastern
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