ArchiveNovember 2014

This upcoming week(Nov 30th-Dec 6th) on Honey Badger Radio!


Badger Cave: Bill Cosby and the Quest for More Pudding Part II Event time: December 1, 9 PM Eastern Host: Alison Tieman Participants: Hannah Wallen, Brian Martinez, and SourGrape     Badger Pod Nerd Cast 16: Miss Impossible! (How to write a feminist female character) Event time: December 2, 7 PM Eastern Event host: Brian Martinez Event participants: Rachel Edwards, Mike (DrRandomercam)...

What was the question?


Eighty year old Giles Corey, accused of witchcraft in 1692 after questioning the word of the girls behind Salem’s witch hysteria, protested his accusation and trial with silence. In an attempt to make him talk the court ordered him “pressed.” This meant he would be laid on his back with a board on his chest, and rocks piled on top of the board until he gave the answer they...

“Ban feminist”?


As it has done annually for the past few years, Time magazine recently ran a poll asking readers what words they’d like to see stricken from the cultural lexicon. In years past, successful contenders were “YOLO”, “OMG” and “twerk”.…

Honey Badger Radio: #ShirtStorm


On November 12, 2014, scientist Matt Taylor landed a spacecraft on a comet. But as scientists rejoiced over this feat of extreme difficulty, all feminists could think about was what he was wearing.
The aftermath of TIME‘s word ban poll
Last week we reported an annual TIME poll, calling for the ban of  the word feminist.…

Why I’m Not An Anti-Feminist


Oh boy, someone pulled the controversy alarm.
Listen, I figure I may as well get this out here once and for all: I don’t like feminism. In fact, I’ve got a lot of issues with it. I see it in action today, in the news, on the web, and it makes my blood boil.…

The Ballad of Geordie Tait


Every now and then a social justice warrior comes along that is, well, special. Someone so utterly bonkers that they do our job for us. They do us all a favor by setting an example of what sort of human being you should never aspire to be.
Recently, we had the marvelous Geordie Tait show up on the #GamerGate scene, and he is a level far beyond #FullMcIntosh.…

Tempest in a t-shirt


In one corner of the internets, we have Matt Taylor, a lead European Space Agency scientist on the Rosetta project, who just the other day successfully landed a space probe on a comet travelling tens of thousands of kph, millions of kilometres from Earth.…

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