ArchiveOctober 2014

Don’t Dodge the Bullet


The Internet is full of debates … nay, arguments. A debate implies civility and intelligence by both parties; arguments, well … at least one party has to be the fool. By fool, I mean the one who throws insults, goes off point, refuses evidence, and keeps dragging everyone back into the fray when the horse is clearly dead and further kicking wouldn’t help the smell of it; a child having a tantrum...

Feminists Hate Men


Keep in mind that feminism has always been about hatred for men; feminists simply “claim” otherwise. They even claim that feminists don’t hate men—it’s a myth perpetuated by the MRA community …
Adolf Hitler said in volume 1, chapter 6, of Mein Kampf (1925):
If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it, and you will even come to believe it yourself.…

Honey Badger Radio: Feminist Media Bias


It’s become popular to mix personal views with news coverage. Splitting each story into a left vs. right issue. What happens when stories don’t fit that narrative? Well, they bury them. News Woman lies about being a teenage sex trafficking victim Twenty-six-year-old Samantha Lyndell Azzopardi of Sydney, Australia, is being brought up on charges in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, after...

The “real man” dogma


“Badger, I hear a lot of people trying to tell us men what a ‘real man’ is. Their definitions are all conflicting, so what is a ‘real man’?”
I’ve noticed that there is a difference between those who stand up for and support men and those who think that men are lacking.…

Happy Hallowhine


Halloween is a time when the scariest of monsters, the high-whining femshee, shows yet again that they will find any excuse to play the victim. They display a frightening level of idiocy, bemoaning the torture of an experience they don’t actually face as an example of their phantom concept, male privilege.…

Honey Badger Radio: The Sarkeesian Effect


The path of integrity can be a difficult road to follow. Especially when there are people who benefit from beautiful lies. Sometimes when all hope seems lost, unlikely heroes emerge, ready and willing to shine a light on corruption. News Mayoral debate upsets activist In the ongoing political race for mayor of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, gender ideologues have found a new thing to be upset about...

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