ArchiveSeptember 2014

Feminist Blind Eyes In India


In India, a report by the Federation of Eunuchs stated that every year between 20,000 and 25,000 men and boys are captured, kidnapped, or sold by their parents—and forcibly castrated (no genitalia left at all). Most are then forced into slavery: working as beggars or prostitutes for local organized crime rings.…

A question of respect


A question I heard out of context today kind of crystallized for me an aspect of the #gamergate controversy, multiple men’s issues, and the difference in public response to incidents of domestic violence among famous people depending on whether the perceived perpetrator is male or female.…

Gender elitism from the Elite Daily


Lauren Martin is a writer for Elite Daily, and she wrote a beautifully condescending piece on why women should ask men out. There is apparently a lack of appropriate suitors for single women. Lauren’s explanation is not that there is culture of fear and mistrust perpetuated by years of gynocentric diatribe, but that men are a bunch of pussies.…

Honey Badger Radio: The death of due process (with a #gamergate update)


News by Hannah Wallen Statutory rape victim ordered to pay child support or face jail

 Another male statutory rape victim has been ordered to pay child support to his rapist under threat of jail for failure to pay. The Arizona Department of Economic Security tracked down Nick Olivas and ordered him to pay back child support after the mother of his child, conceived when he was 14 and she was 20...

Deprogramming women’s hatred of men


There was a process I went through with several of my female partners and friends. Simply because they were saying things around me that either had to stop or I would completely walk away from them. Also, I knew that they were going to have problems with men for the rest of their lives unless I actively attempted to help them understand something: that they hated men.…

Men deserve to be pampered


“Hey, Badger, I had a date with a new lover of mine and he asked me to pick up dinner. Fine, but then he also asked me to pick up beer. I mean, he usually picks up dinner and surprises me with dessert. He didn’t bring dessert this time either. We had a good time, but now I’m upset.…

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