Fathers are often unappreciated in modern society. Many feel that fathers are obsolete, and are content to let the government pick up the slack. With the rise of no-fault divorces and unenforced custody agreements, fatherless homes are becoming commonplace. The worst part is, nobody seems to care.
Join the Honey Badgers as we discuss the disappearance of fatherhood.
Go to the doctor, get arrested for DV
Based on the findings of a survey that “1 in 5 men admit to violence against their partner,” the popular medical website WebMD is reporting that medical professionals are considering including screening male patients as perpetrators of domestic violence alongside female patients as victims.
“When people think of men who abuse their partners, they often think of violent people who they have never come across, or people they have only heard about in the news,” study author Dr. Vijay Singh, a clinical lecturer in the departments of emergency medicine and family medicine at the University of Michigan Medical School, said in a university news release.
“However, our study showed one out of every five men in the U.S. reported physical violence toward an intimate partner,” Singh said. “It’s likely that we’ve all met these men in our daily environment.”
How will doctors identify their abusive patients to potentially turn them over to the authorities for investigation? Well, the same study, published in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine, reports that men who are abusive tend to have associated health problems for which they visit the doctor more frequently. Alongside the obvious ones like substance abuse and witnessing or experiencing violence as a child, having irritable bowel syndrome and insomnia are also, according to these esteemed researchers, “telltale signs among men that are associated with a higher risk of intimate partner violence.” So now not only do male patients have to be concerned that they will be suspected criminals if they tell their doctor about abuse they suffered in the past, they have to be wary of reporting even more common and mundane problems not directly connected with violence at all.
And what about women, you ask? How many women report being violent to their partners and what health problems are associated with it? The study did not ask. But given the vast amount of other research that relies on asking women these questions to show that women are just as likely to be abusive in relationships as men are, the frequency must be nearly equal. But doctors don’t need to know about that.
Profiling innocent men as crime suspects based on their symptoms doesn’t seem to be the best solution for closing the large gap between men and women’s health and life expectancies. But that has never been a priority for the use of men’s tax dollars anyway.
It’s not rape, it’s “unsolicited” sex
A man is suing his nurse for “initiated unsolicited sexual relations, including intercourse,” claiming that she took advantage of him while he was doped up on meds in a hospital bed awaiting a heart transplant.
The same nurse had been previously fired from a job for “crossing professional boundaries with a patient.” Wait a minute, what the heck is “unsolicited sex”? Don’t we have another word for that—rape?
Apparently, this is not rape, according to NBC Chicago, which reported on the story. What word would they have used to describe a male medical staff member having unsolicited sex with an intoxicated female heart patient?
This wording is, however, perfectly in keeping with legal definitions of rape, which only allow for rape victims who are penetrated, not forced to penetrate someone else. If the allegations are found to be true, this case will not make it into the official statistics on rape due to these feminist-influenced definitions. Thus, by excluding male (and female) victims of female rapists, erasing female perpetrators, feminists have guaranteed that rape will be seen as a gendered crime, keeping the fires of public outrage burning so they can maintain their influence over public policy and their generous levels of government funding.
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The disappearance of fatherhood
The general opinion of people in the west is that fathers are obsolete. That fathers are simply not needed to raise children. The law has reduced the role of father down to his wallet, and with the rise of no-fault divorce, women have no incentive to mend broken relationships.
What many women may not understand when they are denying custody rights to their ex-spouses is the way that it will affect their children. From a statistical standpoint, one of the greatest factors in determining a future of criminal or delinquent behavior is the absence of a father figure.
Fatherless children are at greater risk for developing dependency on drugs and alcohol. 63% of youth suicides come from fatherless homes. 71% of school dropouts and 90% of homeless and runaway children grow up without fathers. While those statistics are often debated, there are undeniable facts about single motherhood that neither liberals nor conservatives can argue against. Which is that female-headed households with single mothers at the helm are five to six times more likely to be poverty-stricken and have less upward mobility than intact families.
Upward mobility is the determinant of how likely a family is to move up an economic class. This means that regardless of whether women are receiving child support, they still have a tendency to do worse economically than a family in which the father is present.
But the presence of fathers goes beyond economics. Which is not the narrative that the political left wants to hear. They are deeply invested in the idea that the presence of a father figure is not important in the overall development of a child. That men are the aggressors who need to be pushed out. Maybe when the problem spirals out of control, people will decide to reconsider what is “in the best interest of the child.”
Physical activity improves academic ability in boys
A Finnish study published this month may shed some light on the problems boys face in education. The study found that boys with higher levels of physical activity learn better than their more sedentary peers. However, greater physical activity contributed to worse scores in arithmetic for girls.
This is just the most recent study pointing to a fundamental difference in the ways boys and girls learn. If this is correct, then a portion of the problems boys face in education could be attributed to the increasingly sedentary style of teaching that has taken root in the U.S. education system.
It has been theorized that boys are more hands on and crave a more active learning experience, whereas girls are more comfortable in a calm learning environment due to higher levels of serotonin and oxytocin.
Perhaps it’s time that we consider these kinds of accommodations if we have any hope of bridging the education gap.
- Angry White Men - August 4, 2015
- Amy Everson is a fucking lunatic - June 6, 2015
- Honey Badger Radio: The unkindest cut - January 16, 2015