ArchiveAugust 2014

DISCUSSION – Gendering Class, Part IV – “Ladylike” and policing femininity


It’s been a while since we have look at the gendering of class. Something that occurred to me recently was how in many stories women had of being gender-policed as girls that policing was framed in terms of “ladylike” behavior. Were you prevented form climbing trees or wearing certain types clothing of clothing because they weren’t ladylike, or did you hear girls who did...

Badger Pod Nerd Cast 7


Female Ghostbusters by DoctorRandomerCam In the summer of 1984—the dawn of the equinox of the eighties—Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, and Bill Murray made a movie that no one has ever disliked. Eight-year-olds love it for exactly the same reason 50-year-olds love it: it’s fun, it’s simple, it’s compelling, it’s inventive, and it has that holiest of holy grails—it does not take...

The KSUM Fundraiser is almost over!


I’m a proud member of the Brigade, and I’ve always wanted to see it succeed. It is for that reason I built this website as a portal to the creative side of the men’s human rights movement and as an outlet for the women who blaze a trail through the political wilderness.…

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