Rick and Morty – Overview and Episode 7(written by DoctorRandomercam)
Rick and Morty is what happens when a dispossessed Dan Harmon stomps away from Community, grabs the most warped and disturbing cartoonist he can find on the internet – one Justin Roiland – and they go to Adult Swim, get presumably blackout drunk together… and create a Back to the Future cartoon. The character names are tweaked, as is the family situation, but it’s all there. Except they don’t travel through time, they travel to alternate dimensions and alien planets.
If this is the first you’re hearing of Rick and Morty, the nerdgasm you’re having right now is quite justified. You cannot possibly know what to expect next from this show. It’s based on a web toon that has been depicting graphic cartoon pedophilia for the seven years and quarter million views in which Youtube has neglected to take it down. But that’s nothing.
They did an episode about a post-apocalyptic gender apartheid in which women were the bad guys…….. and they got it past the censors.
Episode 7: Raising Gazorpazorp.
Morty accidentally impregnates an alien sex robot. (Told you it was a good show.) Rick travels to the home planet of the sex robot to discover the Gazorpians, an alien race that became a study in the artificial selection of sexual dimorphism. For eons, the picturesque females have lived in a futuristic utopia, talking about fashion tips and each other’s feelings. While the grotesque males are left to wander the planes, fighting, killing, conquering each other, and inseminating sex robots which the females collect.
Sounds like a chilling vision of things to come, right? But which gender is being lampooned in this case? It’s both, to a degree. But this is TV we’re talking about. Both is progress.
(What happens with Morty’s alien baby, you ask? Well… what happened to yours?)
(That last line is optional.)
Not All Men (written by Jess Kay)
With the ever growing popularity and notoriety of comics and the culture that surrounds them, it is becoming increasingly common for them to be utilized as a tool for addressing modern social issues. We are seeing more and more social justice warriors utilizing the medium of comics to satirize their opposition. Upon further scrutinization, however, we can see that present in their work are their own biases and prejudices.
One such example is a short, 6-frame comic written by Matt Lubchansky titled ‘Not All Men.’ In this short piece, “super hero” Not All Man is summoned by the man-signal when someone is “doing reverse sexism.” He leaps into action, proclaiming to be the “defender of the defended, the protector of the protected, and voice of the voiceful,” crashing in on a woman stating “I’m just sick of how men-”
A couple of notable sentiments include their use of the term “reverse sexism.” The term “reverse sexism” is often used to define sexism against men; the implication is that sexism is something that only happens to women, so men cannot genuinely experience it. The implication in the term “reverse sexism” is inherently sexist.
Additionally, Not All Man’s proclamation of being the defender of the defended and protector of the protected makes perfect sense after the implementation of legislation like the “Violence Against Men Act”- oh wait. Of course, his proclamation of being the voice of the voiceful makes perfect sense considering how socially acceptable it is for men to use their voice to discuss issues that affect them and how they never experience censorship in such instances- oh wait.
Finally, the suggestion that “Not All Men Are Like That” is a joke sets an interesting double standard when “Not All Women Are Like That” seems to be the rule. Generalizing men is perfectly acceptable while generalizing women will be met with extreme condemnation.
The problem with Frozen(written by Rachel Edwards)
Frozen has been a massive success. It won both best picture and best original song at the 2014 academy awards. There’s just one problem, the story has a terrible moral. I think that the intended moral was something along the lines of sisterly love and that love conquers all.
However that message never comes across very strong. Because the sisters only spend like five minutes together throughout the entire movie. Their relationship is practically non-existent. Despite the fact that Anna is the main character, Elsa is the one that people gravitate to more. For men this is problematic because she’s a terrible role model.
Sure nobody’s perfect, but Elsa is irresponsible and selfish. In fact in the early scripts she was supposed to be the villain, and for good reason. Because Elsa consistently flees responsibility and when the moment finally came for her to grow up and handle things like an adult, she runs away. Not only does she run away, but at no point does she apologize for anything.
Anna travels for miles, looking for her in freezing temperatures. Yet when she finally gets there Elsa tells her that not only is she not going back, but that Anna needs to go back and clean up her mess. Because of course Elsa supposedly knows what’s best for Anna and the kingdom after being a shut in. Then she sends an Ice giant after Anna and nearly kills her, but does Elsa care? Nope!
Basically women should never have to take responsibility for anything in a Disney film. In fact Elsa is only okay with being queen after Anna saves her life and Elsa saves hers. So the moral of the story is this. It’s okay to throw off all responsibility and then make other people clean up after you.
This is why Elsa’s character resonated so greatly with audiences, because she is the kind of liberated woman that is popular in the media. Yet they never focus on how the actions of these kinds of women hurt other people.
A woman fucks over her sister, nearly kills everyone, never apologizes, but it’s okay because love conquers all and girl power!
- Badger Pod Nerd Cast 5: Hannah vs. The Bear - July 22, 2014
- Honey Badger Radio: Men’s issues conference–An orgy of misogyny! - July 10, 2014
- Honey Badger Radio: Elliot Rodger, the new face of the men’s rights movement? - May 29, 2014