ArchiveApril 2014

All roads lead to rape


Do you wanna play a game?
Game designer, animator and writer Hannes Flor has created a “game” reminiscent of the classic ‘Choose Your Own Adventure’ books, except Flor’s game is the worst choose-your-own-adventure ever.…

Badger Talk: All Roads Lead to Rape


The following is the text of a Honey Badger Brigade discussion of a rape game created by a feminist entitled “The Day the Laughter Stopped.”
The laughter did stop that day. 
Typhon: This is a rape game created by feminist.
Typhon: Anyone want to take a stab at tearing that apart?…

Laci Green, the Confirmation Bias Machine


I really wanted to like Laci Green. We have a lot in common. We’re both Atheists. We both grew up in heavily religious families. We both did research on sex in our early teens, and we both have a preference for large dorky glasses. This practically writes itself as a resume for being someone I’d be down with, but there’s just one huge problem.…

DAMSELING – Pity Pumping


Pity pumping is a tactic that increases victim cred. To use it you first have to have victim cred to increase. If you don’t, if for instance you belong to a group that is designated as non-victims or non-victimizable, it will backfire. You won’t increase your victim cred you don’t have to begin with, you’ll just get labeled pathetic and some way to blame you for your plight will be found or...

Women finally experience shaming in marketing; feminist response is predictable


Lo and behold, the tables have finally turned. After the thousands of commercials aired day after day that mock and degrade men, portraying them as utter buffoons, as large children that cannot handle the most simple life task without the aid of their always intelligent and capable wife, we finally get to witness a commercial that makes a joke out of female bodily maintenance – even if it...

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