Karen Straughan is in Toronto; this evening she is putting on a lecture for the Canadian Association for Equality or CAFE. The topic was “Are Men Obsolete? Feminism, Free Speech and the Censorship of Men’s Issues”.
Baring psycho feminist attack, she may be able to call in later on to give us an update on how everything went at the now infamous Ryerson U—home of fire alarm pulling, human blockading, “would you shut the fuck up” feminist rabble rousers.
Their domestic terrorist foremothers, the Suffragettes, would be so proud!
In honour of open communication we’re hosting open lines this week on honey badger radio. Open lines means you can call in and talk about any topic you so desire.
So call in and take the show where you want it to go.
We have operators standing by.
Show date: Thursday, February 17th, 2014
Show time: 9 PM EST/ 8 PM CST/ 6 PM PST
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