THE FEMINIST PIMP HAND – Rape hysteria and the female victims


Typhonblue identified the Feminist Pimp Hand as a tendency of feminists to pimp women and their sufferings and to regulate on them if they step out of line and imperil the victim narrative feminists need to justify all their demands and imprecations.

Pimps use the pimp hand to beat their whores back into line but they also use it to intimidate them and get them into line in the first place, to recruit them.

Over at Just-Smith a commenter named Rae offered her own story that bears on this. Some excerpts:

“My father was an abusive alcoholic with untreated borderline personality disorder.
When I finally gained the courage to leave him four years ago, despite his threats to kill both me and himself, I had a nervous breakdown. Years of abuse shaped my view of the world into one permeated by androphobia.
I was petrified of men – literally. I feared my own androsexuality – that is my sexual desire for men – which I repressed and projected onto men at large as a rape phobia. (This repression and intimacy phobia also led me to identify as asexual, but that’s a story for another day.)”

As she grew, she looked for an explanation for this suffering:

“I remember quite vividly seeing those statistics and campaigns on Facebook:
“One in four women will be raped in their lifetime”
“Normal men rape too”
“99% of rapists are men”
“We are living in a rape epidemic”
Being a dumb seventeen year old, this only served to confirm and compound my severe phobia.
That was it for me. The world(my father) hated women(me). I would never be safe. I would spend the rest of my days looking over my shoulder, expecting to be raped or beaten by a man(my father). This(my past) was all I had to look forward to.
I would never know true peace.
I internalised that garbage, I regurgitated it, I lived it.”

Then she realized, after much inner work:

“They had re-victimised me. They had added to the intense terror and misery I felt living in this world, haunted by my father. These types of feminists damaged the very people they swore to protect: young, vulnerable women, to further their own agenda.
They still are.
And that is why I rail against this bullshit so hard.

The sad part is that a lot of what motivates this kind of victimization is a protective urge. Let’s go way back; Country Joe and the Fish nailed this one (You’re welcome, Daisy.)

She hides in an attic concealed on a shelf
Behind volumes of literature based on herself
And runs across the pages like some tiny elf
Knowing that it’s hard to find
Stuff way back in her mind,
Winds up spending all of her time
Trying to memorize every line


Sweet Lorraine, ah, sweet Lorraine.
Sweet lady of death wants me to die
So she can come sit by my bedside and sigh
And wipe away the tears from all my friends eyes
Then softly she will explain
Just exactly who was to blame
For causing me to go insane
And finally blow out my brain,
Sweet Lorraine, ah, sweet Lorraine.

Well you know that it’s a shame and a pity
You were raised up in the city
And you never learned nothing ’bout country ways,
Ah, ’bout country ways.


The joy of life she dresses in black
With celestial secrets engraved in her back
And her face keeps flashing that she’s got the knack,
But you know when you look into her eyes
All she’s learned she’s had to memorize
And the only way you’ll ever get her high
Is to let her do her thing and then watch you die,
Sweet Lorraine, ah, sweet Lorraine.


Now she’s the one who gives us all those magical things
And reads us stories out of the I Ching,
Then she passes out a whole new basket of rings
That when you put on your hand
Makes you one of the Angel Band
And gives you the power to be a man,
But what it does for her you never quite understand
Sweet Lorraine, ah, sweet Lorraine.

Well you know that it’s a shame and a pity
You were raised up in the city
And you never learned nothing ’bout country ways,
Oh ’bout country ways, oh ’bout country ways,
Yeah, about country ways, oh, country ways …

Why do they do it? What does it do for her that you never quite understand? Generosity and protectiveness make you feel powerful. This is about exercising power over people. Not all white knights are male. A lot of them even think they reject chivalry. Maybe they just don’t want any competition.

Jim Doyle
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Jim Doyle

<span class="dsq-postid" data-dsqidentifier="3780">8 comments</span>

  • That’s assuming that all feminists believe their own hype.
    The ones with cushy jobs all seem to just be in it for the money. Earning pounds, Euros, and dollars off of other people’s misery without a care.
    The ones without the cushy jobs are the ones paving the road to hell the demagogues walk with their good intentions, all the while helping them infect government and give the honest (or, merely more honest) politicians the boot for daring defy them.

    But, if you do a truly selfless, good act for entirely selfish reasons, does that poison the act?

  • Christopher, welcome!

    “The ones with cushy jobs all seem to just be in it for the money. Earning pounds, Euros, and dollars off of other people’s misery without a care.’

    I learned the neologism for this: “moral entrepreneur”. We have to rememebr that the SJ thing has been around since at least the mid-19th century and in that time it has of course developed quite an infrastructure. It is now an industry, with NGOs and quangos and consulting jobs and a huge private and public funding behind it. A rpae victim who desn’t want to be labeled a permanent casualty is hardly going to be allowed to threaten anyone’s rice bowl.

    Aych: Oh, they think they own them because they think they own the whole issue.

  • It’s hard to fault any article that quotes Country Joe and the Fish but htis one would stand out even if you hadn’t. Three (Fish) Cheers. Country Joe not only taught me how to spell (multiple four letter words beginning with “F”), but also how to count, and even though I was much too young to actually be the first, he inspired a burning desire within me to come home in a box. But more than that, he taught me that Presidents could fly.

    “Listen while you read!

    Look, up yonder in the sky, now, what is that I pray ?
    It’s a bird it’s a plane, it’s a man insane, it’s my President LBJ
    He’s flying high way up in the sky just like Superman,
    But I have got a little piece of kryptonite,
    Yes, I’ll bring him back to land.
    Said come out Lyndon with your hands held high,
    Drop your guns, baby, and reach for the sky.
    I’ve got you surrounded and you ain’t got a chance,
    Gonna send you back to Texas, make you work on your ranch,
    Yeah, yeah, oh yeah.

    “Look up yonder in the sky. What is that I pray? It’s a bird. It’s a plane. It’s a man insane. It’s my President, LBJ.”

    Yep, the most important lesson I learned from Country Joe was that with a President from Texas, we won’t stand a chance.

  • Oops. Looks like the cut and paste function didn’t work right. Kinda screws with my comment, but you should still get the idea.

  • Is that the one with the chorus “One, two, three, four…what are we fighting for; don’t me, I don’t give a damn, just want to go Vietnam!!”?

  • @ Ginko
    You’re thinking of the “It Looks Like I’m fixin’ to Die Rag” (I may be just a little off on the exact title) that is also known as the Vietnam Song and it is the one with the reference to coming home in a box “Be the first one on the block to have your boy come home in a box” was the line after encouraging parents to send their boys to war. The lyrics I quoted were from “Superbird.” The title is a reference to First Lady “Ladybird” Johnson.

By Jim Doyle

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