ArchiveNovember 2013

MALE DISPOSABILITY – PTSD and someone who is in a position to attack the stigma around it


Do you know why US Army Rangers wear panty hose? Supposedly they do wear panty hose, (though I haven’t gone and checked.) Simple answer: Panty hose are the most efficient form of long underwear available. Real answer: Because they can. A soldier at Joint base Lewis McChord, SSG Ty Carter, is in a similar position, in this case in a position to champion sufferers from PTSD and to attack the stigma...

MALE DISPOSABILITY – Dear Abby and thanking veterans


A woman writes to Dear Abby: Dear Abby: Recently I took a cue from my sister and her career Navy husband. They always make it a point to thank anyone they see in military uniform for his/her service and sacrifice. I am somewhat shy by nature. But I am so thankful to these men and women who fight for our continued freedom that I stepped out of my comfort zone to verbalize my feelings and encourage...

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