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Date: November 7, 2013
Time: 9 PM EST/ 8 PM CST / 6 PM PST
Feminist Mary Koss says that we live in a rape culture in which we just don’t take the rape of women seriously enough. Mary Koss also says men who are raped by women aren’t really rape raped. Maybe sorta raped, well, not sorta raped, but maybe forced into sex you know?
Actually forced sex is too strong for Mary Koss. Women give men unwanted sex. Like your mom giving you an ugly sweater she knitted for christmas. You know, one that’s blocky-reindeer themed? And you slip it on anyway because, well… your mom gave you a sweater.
When a woman rapes a man at knifepoint, she’s also is just giving him unwanted sex. We shouldn’t go labelling it something it isn’t, like rape. After all it’s just an unwanted gift and it’s the thought that counts right?
All you raped men out there? Don’t forget to wear your ugly sweater like a champ!
And Mary Koss insists it’s really women who aren’t taken seriously when they’re raped.
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