ArchiveNovember 2013

HOMOPHOBIA – The homophobia that wasn’t


Behold the power of victimhood.
Did you catch the story about the waitress in New Jersey who claimed some customers stiffed her on the tip and wrote on the receipt that the reason was that they didn’t approve of her lifestyle? Donations poured in to make up the tip she had missed out on and she decided to donate it all to the Wounded Warrior Project.…

Honey Badger Radio: Brian Banks and the Social Rapist Show Notes


Air Date: 21/11/2013 Show Intro (written by Alison Tieman, Narrated by Karen Straughan) Wanetta Gibson. Wanetta Gibson. That’s the woman who falsely accused Brian Banks of rape in 2002. Even though there was no physical evidence to corroborate Wanetta Gibson’s testimony and her story that he had dragged her, protesting, past five class rooms full of students without anyone noticing...

Honey Badger Radio: Brian Banks and the Social Rapist


Show Notes   Wanetta Gibson. Wanetta Gibson. That’s the woman who falsely accused Brian Banks of rape in 2002. Even though there was no physical evidence to corroborate Wanetta Gibson’s testimony and her story that he had dragged her, protesting, past five class rooms full of students without anyone noticing was far from plausible, Brian Banks was threatened with being tried as...

MALE DISPOSABILITY – One Marine’s story


Read this and rage.
This is unacceptable. This is abomination. There is simply no excuse – containment of costs, fiscal responsibility, whatever bullshit lie you may think justifies this – this is unacceptable.
It must end.
“My Suicide Attempt and My Struggles to Get Help”
God damn them.…

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