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“I’m going to rape you.”
I wasn’t expecting to hear that sentence today. But yeah those were the lamest “rape threats” I have ever heard. When someone tells me that I seem uptight and I need to get fracked more often would that constitute a rape threat? If so I need police protection from a lot of people.
Frankly, those examples didn’t even seem very hostile, let alone threatening. But I may be judging too casually since I have been reading a lot of hostile comments towards people recently (mostly by feminists and identity activists towards people who are a bit more sane) and I may be getting desensitized to hostility. Maybe watching it again will help me empathize.
I am not a committed theist or Biblical literalist or what have you but it is becoming increasingly clear to me that the authors knew a thing or two about human nature when they included “covet” and “bear false witness” in their home owners committee list of regulations. Now if they had just included “Thou shalt consider the consequences of thine own words and deeds.” we’d be sailing.
Oh that was a WONDERFUL video. It’s so nice to see people who actually DO the research rather than swallowing the “rape threat” hysteria of feminists without thought.
@ Political Cynic
Some people have asserted that she received rape threats. Actual rape threats, not obvious hyperbole or passive-aggressive “I hope…” “I wish…” “you should…”
No one has linked me to said rape threats as of yet and the reality is that the media expects us either to take us on their word or to believe that ridiculous non-threats are threats.
@typhonblue: Reminds me of a cartoon I saw many years ago in which one of the characters (Bugs Bunny or Bullwinkle maybe) anyway-said something like “I read it in the newspaper, so it must be true”.
Sadly, far too many people these days do just that-they see “rape threat” in the paper, and assume it must be true.
It was a good video, but I’d like to point something out about being the conductor of the rape train. There is a slang saying called pulling the train. It has to do with gang rapes / group sex. The person pulling the train, the conductor in this scenario, is the person being gang raped or gang banged if consensual. The other participants form a line like cars on a train. That’s where the term gets it’s meaning.
Still one rape threat if this is what they meant instead of how it was interpreted in the video, is not the plethora of rape threats that was alleged.
I don’t know if I’d agree with those exact interpretations, but even taking them as rape threats – why assume they have credibility? Do these people really think this sort of daft bravado isn’t SOP on the Internet? Men get violent threats all the time too (recalling that we’re more at risk of every other kind of violence too) and it just seems to be kinda dealt with, but when it happens to a woman? HOLY SHIT, CHANGE EVERYTHING FOR US RIGHT NOW, OR YOU’RE A MISOGYNIST.
You may find this interesting. The British edition of GQ recently published an interview with the boy band One Direction, with variant covers, each featuring a member of the group and a caption tailored to him.
Twitter went berserk. By which I mean young women, who make up pretty much all of One Direction’s appeal. Some of the comments were pretty nasty – here’s a selection:
The UK press have been making a lot of noise about online misogyny recently following nasty tweets received by TV historian Mary Beard (a very good presenter who dresses like a dotty old academic who doesn’t care what she looks like, and gets some abuse for that) and a woman who campaigned to get Jane Austen onto a banknote. The One Direction incident shows fairly clearly that this isn’t about gender, it’s about morons. But the damsel in distress reflex is as selective as ever.
Good point Patrick.
The other assumption doing the rounds is that those threatening MPs/feminists are male. I’d love to know how they know this, even though only two individuals have been arrested in connection with these cases who happen to be male.
“The British edition of GQ recently published an interview …
Twitter went berserk. By which I mean young women,”
No, chicky-poo, YOU need to stay the fuck away from GQ.
GQ, for God’s sake. Talk about women colonizing men’s spaces.
Thank you, Patrick. That was a good find.
Lol, spork!
I’m crying!
That one was my favourite I think. Very creative.
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