ArchiveAugust 2013

MISANDRY – The form the backlash is taking – feminists trying to “colonize” men’s issues and failing miserably because they don’t even know what they are


For about a year or so the backlash against the men’s movement has taken the form of questioning the need for a men’s movement by insisting that feminism already does everything the men’s movement says it wants. We see crap like this: Amanda Marcotte’s insultingly witless attempt, Lindy West’s pathetically witless attempt – pathetic because I really think the poor dear imagines she is talking to...

Female Rapists Infographic


FranklyNo has created an infographic on female perpetrated rape based on my post, Manufacturing female victimhood and marginalizing vulnerable men. It’s excellent so take a look! (Maybe download, print out and put them in handy places if you’re feeling daring!)…

SLY INVERSIONS – Prostitution and Rape Culture


The State of Washington defines prostitution: RCW 9A.88.030 Prostitution. (1) A person is guilty of prostitution if such person engages or agrees or offers to engage in sexual conduct with another person in return for a fee. (2) For purposes of this section, “sexual conduct” means “sexual intercourse” or “sexual contact,” both as defined in chapter 9A.44 RCW...

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