Femalefedupwithfeminism is quite new, with only a few posts, but all of them plain old common sense. Thanks, Quiet Riot Girl, for the tip.
If I haven”t mentioned The Rawness before, my bad. This guy is a resource. He specializes in looking at how dusfunctional our acpeted gender norms are and has a series going on how immature what we consider normal femlae behavior actually is.
Shining Pearls of Something is Suzanne McCarley’s blog – not new at all, but new to me. Go take a look.
The Angry Dad is by no means new, going back to 2005, but it is a good resource too. I don’t agree with everything he says, but I agree with a lot. He has a lot to say.
And one more is Justice for men & boys. This is Mike Buchanan’s blog. it’s not new either buit if it’s new to you, go take a look.
UPDATE! Here are a couple more:
. A coupl of recent posts were one about FEMEN violence against women and one on ending “whorephobia”.
And I forgot to mention femdelusion. Mr. femdelusion has a good series of posts on evaluating gender issues through a capabilities analysis.
And while I am at this is the time to steer you towards SYABM (Sir, You Are Being Mocked). This one is updated very prolifically and is always getting into really interesting and pithy discussions.
- The Woman Card - May 2, 2016
- Frat boy bachelorettes and the invasion of gay bars - April 15, 2016
- “Not my kid….” - February 22, 2016

New to me, too. Thanks!
I highly suspect John Morales is a troll on Ally’s blog. Just look at their answers to me.
Reading things that aren’t even there, making shit up, and not being ABLE to read period.
Morales and carnation are both trolls. Just ignore them. Or mock them, which is what I prefer.
John Morales, iirc, is the person who called me “childmolester71” during elevatorgate. He’s been a Pharyngula dick head for many years.
Hey, Rod! I forgot to say hi on the other thread.
debaser, he did that? I will remember that. It may come in handy.
Adiabat and Schala, they are both trolls and f the two carnation tries to be the slickest, putting a show of sweet interactivenss at need. She displays some really obvious narcissistic behaviors. I respond occasionally to take advantage of the opportunity – not to speak to her but to speak about her.
Yeah and then not too long ago they were talking about it on twitter (someone had told me since I don’t fucking twitter). I took screen shots and ranted a bit on the slymepit but I do not interact with them directly at all. If this were real life, I wouldn’t even look at them.
And, can I rant a bit about a phone call I just got….well I let the answering machine pick up.
So “Bob” from “the other day” “during the conversation we had” called to remind us about that website he was talking about. Blah blah blah pretending to be someone we know and talk to.
Well fuck him!
I called the number back and left my own message.
“Hello, the message “Bob” just left on my machine is creepy and stalkerish. It crosses the line of what a telemarketing call should be. If you call this number again, I will report you to the police. Have a good day. ”
Ya know, next time some telemarketer calls I’m gonna answer the phone and tell them what I really think about them interrupting my day. I’m too fucking nice.
This might be useful:
She’s always worth a read, whether you find yourself agreeing or not.
Oh hai.
Hiya, SYABM.
Adi, I am starting to develop a conversation with carnation. We shall see. I expect it to run aground at some point.