I’m getting married in the morning! Ding dong!
The bells are gonna chime. Pull out the stopper!
Let’s have a whopper! But get me to the church on time!I gotta be there in the mornin’
Spruced up and lookin’ in me prime.
Girls, come and kiss me;
Show how you’ll miss me.
But get me to the church on time!If I am dancin’ Roll up the floor.
If I am whistlin’ Whewt me out the door!
For I’m gettin’ married in the mornin’
Ding dong! the bells are gonna chime.
Kick up an rumpus But don’t lost the compass;
And get me to the church, Get me to the church,
For Gawd’s sake, get me to the church on time!
I have been a little preoccupied lately with wedding preparations and thank you for the forbearance you all have shown. Tomorrow I’m getting married, there won’t be a honeymoon, and I’ll be back in the saddle again. We did the ceremony Saturday.
Two meager bunches of calla lilies cost almost a hundred dollars. I had no idea. None. Where I grew up those were weeds. But then again even there they didn’t bloom in January.
So the house is ready, the food is ready, the guests are on thier way and we’ll do it in front of the fireplace – before a cross though, no chalice and dagger.
Back among you on Wednesday.
That article was supposed to post on Friday, but I got busy and besides it would have distracted from Xakudo’s rather meatier posts anyway, so I let it slide. But I’m back on the block again.
The ceremony itself was short and efficient, but the minister made it dignified, relaxed and very warm. We held it in front of the fireplace in the living room. My husaabnd choked up during his vows and I managed to hold off telling him to pull himsefl together until the very end, when he had pulled himself together. My mehtod of keeping level was to stare forward or at the floor. Whatever works. Then when the minister proclaimed us married, everyone broke out in applause. This unsettled stodgy Episcopalian old me; this kind of thing is more Lutheran, but what really unsettled me was how long it went on – minutes and minutes, seemingly forever. Most of our friends there were straight; I hadn’t realized how much this meant to them too. I thanked them for coming and honoring us with their presence, and for their votes and said that this was one time the political was personal.
- The Woman Card - May 2, 2016
- Frat boy bachelorettes and the invasion of gay bars - April 15, 2016
- “Not my kid….” - February 22, 2016

Married, hmmm, congrats and condolences, all in the same breath. 😉
ThanksTit. Condolences? Naw – that was last time! By the way my son was my best man and my ex-wife and step-father-in-law attended, so no condolences even for that one.
Thanks, Hiding.
congrats on the wedding
Jameseq, thank you.
Congratulations and the best wishes for the future.
Congratulations Ginkgo!
I wish both the best.
Valkina, thanks so much. you too, Tamen.
Sy, both of you – I have been meaning to ask you what your screen names mean, or how you chose them.
Are you asking me or someone else?
You. I like the sound of your nickname and I wonder how you chose it.
It is a long and silly story,but here it goes.
When me and my brother got our first computer,we both WoW as well.Since we wanted to play it for you long time.When it was my time to create my character,all the names I ticket in were taken.So I spend 10 min just taping names.I did not want to give her human name because she was Night Elf.And i did not want name that was just words put together.When I ran out of newly invented names,I started juicing names of characters from epic fantasy stories I created as the child.This was first name that was not taken.And by that time my imagination has dried up,and I just want to play the game already.
After that people just come to know me by that name and it stack,and I start using it as my internet alter ego.
CONGRATS! MAZEL TOV! All my best to you and your spouse! (((hugz)))
Congratulations Ginkgo! 😀
Congratulations Ginkgo!
Lazy as I am I tried to google the answer I gave a commenter a long time ago on NSWATM as to how I came to use Tamen as a nickname. Apparently I star in some pornographic True Blood/Alexander Skarsgard fan-fiction. Well, that digression aside, I never did find the reply I made to the commenter at NSWATM who wondered because “tamen” apparently means “they” in Chinese.
The answer is really pretty mundane and boring. I needed a nick for a MUD (Multi-User Dungeon (aka as the more ominously Multi-Undergraduate Destroyer) – a name for text based MMORPGs popular back in the early 90s) called MUME – Multi User Middle Earth. I wanted something pronounceable which would read as male and which wouldn’t jar too much in a Tolkien inspired environment (had I been less lazy I probably would’ve looked up in a Sindarin dictionary to construct a more correct name – but I got pretty close to tamin which means “forge”).
When at the behest of people I befriended on the MUD I joined a internet BBS called SkyNet I kept that handle and have used it in online forums since. I have since created a new nick which I use for online gaming to keep my online discussion personae apart from my gaming personae in the few online games I now play.
I later found out that tamen apparently means “it” in Latin, as in motto of the Church of Scotland: nec tamen consumebatur (Yet it was not consumed)
PS! I just read Valkina’s reply. Funny how similar the stories are – although I now feel quite old and not quite so unique I felt just a minute ago 🙂
Yay, sincere congratulations to you Ginkgo (what does your name mean, btw? I’ll tell you if you tell me.)
You’re so lucky to have found a person good enough to spend your whole life with. I hope you the very best.
It’s a good thing that you didn’t post this to AVFM or you would probably get some wanker lamenting that only homosexual marriages weren’t just a big scam, lol.
Congratulations, Ginkgo!
Are you going to have a honeymoon?
Congrats Ginkgo! Now you get to make mother-in-law jokes; it’s the best bit about being married!
No, it means “notwithstanding, nevertheless, for all that, however, yet, still”. Latin, like Spanish, doesn’t usually bother with pronouns – the person of the subject is included in the form of the verb – so there’s no word translatable as “it” in that phrase.
Ah, thank you Patrick.