MISOGYNY – Afghan woman beheads daughter-in-law for refusing prostitution, police say


Here’s a horrible story.  A woman in Afghanistan, Pari Gul, beheaded her daughter-in-law, Mah Gul, for refusing to engage in prostitution. This happened a couple of weeks ago.

There’s a more to the story but this is the core of it and it’s the part that matters. She got her nephew to help and so on. There are other details too, of course.

We talk about male disposability and its real, but there is also such a thing as female disposability and it is very real too, though it is so foreign to most Westerners’ experience and world view that it’s easy to forget it exists. 

If the prostitution angle doesn’t convince you that this is an example of disposability, then maybe the fact that this was a daughter-in-law rather than a daughter may confirm it for you.

I have to wonder where Mah Gul’s husband was in all this. Dead perhaps – male dispoability is real in Afghanistan as femalae disposability is – or perhaps just very firmly under Mother’s thumb. If Momma ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.

Two things about this story:

One is that this si what rela misogyny looks like. This is what misogyny looks like when it is equal to the misandry we see around us in this country. This misogyny is why whines like this one are so grotesque *. This is what a real War on Women looks like.

And no, it’s not about pointing a finger and saying “Ooooh look over there, aren’t they primitive!” – unless you are willing to say the same thing about our society in the same breath, since it holds basically similar atttitudes about half of its population too.

The second is that this is a perfect example of why the dodge about male disposabilty in this country that “well, it’s men doing it to men, so it doesn’t matter” is so morally bankrupt. (Often this is framed in an explicitly objectifying way: ” It’s men doing it to themselves.” No, it’s men doing it to each other. The fact that you can’t tell the difference is what’s objectifying about that.) 

 Mah Gul is no less dead, and it is no less a horrible injustice, because a woman cut her head off.

This doesn’t downplay is misogyny in the West. It exists. But let’s be honest – it doesn’t look like this, and it doesn’t look like misandry in the West, and using exaggerated language to discuss it does not help anyone or advance any discussion. That may be harsher than I actually feel on that point, but this story provokes a harsh reaction.

And then there is that young hero in Pakistan who dared to stand up to the Taliban in her district and got shot for her efforts…..


HT: /rMensRights

Jim Doyle
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Jim Doyle

<span class="dsq-postid" data-dsqidentifier="2971 http://www.genderratic.com/?p=2190">13 comments</span>

  • I might be wrong, but I got the feeling that picture of the girl with the “I Need Feminism Because…” sign was supposed to be making fun of that meme.

    I might be wrong, it’s entirely believeable that there are people who are that shallow in the world

  • An interesting thing. Societies with in which females are disposable are the only societies in which the female suicide rate exceeds that of men, though nowhere near as much as the converse in Western socieities.

    Perhaps this is a good indicator.

  • I’ve ceased being shocked at the evil demonstrated by individuals a very long time ago. I apply pretty much the same thinking to humanity – approaching six billion after all – as I do to a notion of an infinite universe. Everything that can happen will happen somewhere, sometime.

  • Craichead, Typhon said something like that a while back, comparing siuicide rates among menin the US witt those of woen in China and noted simialrities in marriage, divorce and child custody policies, except that they were exactly reversed.

    Gwallan, it’s worst than you think. The human population of the planet is seven, not six billion. We now consitute 100 times the biomass of any other large animal that has ever existed.

  • “Gwallan, it’s worst than you think. The human population of the planet is seven, not six billion. We now consitute 100 times the biomass of any other large animal that has ever existed.”
    We need MORE!!!!Let’s go for 8 billion!!!
    We will be standing on each other heads sune infaf,if this keeps up.

    This is the reason why I always laugh when,conservatives in my country make comments about us needing to have more babies.And who we are wasting our time doing other stuff.

  • “This is the reason why I always laugh when,conservatives in my country make comments about us needing to have more babies..”

    Laugh? That setiment and those policies have a really nasty side to them in Europe. It’s not about just having more babies, it’s about having the *right* kind of babies, our kind.

    So when Americans praise the pro-baby and pro-child policies of Germany and Sweden and France, I shake my head.

  • “Laugh? ”
    Did I misspelled the word?If so I apologize.

    I know exactly what they want I was just trying to be modest,and not assume the worst.

    I am some one who is very social to the social approval of others.And I just to be even more as the child.These people just to make me feel terrible about my self,with their common and cruel treatment.Sometimes it made me feel like life is not worth living.And all that is because I did not like the thing that they said I should like.

  • “It’s not about just having more babies, it’s about having the *right* kind of babies, our kind.”

    I don’t think what this people want is what you and I would call a child.

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