ArchiveOctober 2012

GENERAL – Useful new words and acronyms, Part II


More new words and expressions! Catachosis – This is a play on “catachesis” or the more widely used “catechism”. It means religious indoctrination. When you are discussing something with someone and their entire terminology is cant and jargon and fashionable buzzwords, and their conceptual matrix blinds them to the simple facts of the case, when they prefer the comfort of their belief system to...

Valerie Keefe tells a fellow feminist some home truths about what MRAs think of feminism and why


Commenter Valerie Keefe, a feminist, posted this comment to an article here. It was a re-post of a comment at the site she mentions below, where the blogger had posted a list of supposedly pro-male posts by feminists.
Most of the comment thread is interesting, worth a read, although in the end it dissolves into a bunch of puerility.…

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