ArchiveSeptember 2012

MISOGYNY –The Religious Right and Military Medicine; Rape and the Military Abortion Ban


Here’s an example that I had no reason not to know about and yet it wasn’t until someone pointed it out to me. This was in the local paper the other day.
 MG Donna Barbisch (Rtd.) wrote a very sober and modest opinion piece that pointed out that military women who get pregnant by rape are not able to get abortions through the military medical system.…

MISANDRY – Expelling a Gay Kid for Defending Himself.


Here’s a depressing story out of Indianapolis. This high school kid, Dynasty Young, was getting bullied and harassed at school because he was dressing and acting queeny. His mother gave him a stun gun for protection and he used it one some kids. The school expelled him, initially for a year, and then relented and let him re-enroll, but only if he went to some other…..…

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