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Alison Tieman
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Alison Tieman

<span class="dsq-postid" data-dsqidentifier="2935">18 comments</span>

  • My Dearest Beloveds,

    Mmmmm. Mouthpieces.

    Oh, right, – it is a bad thing?

    When Typhonblue, GirlWritesWhat, Nurdydancing, et al, bring their unique, empowered and devastating insight into the gender power issues we engage here then they must be …tools of the bumbling, Asperger manosphere?

    As a MAN (whoopsie), I understand that admitting any of my many weaknesses, emotional or otherwise, tends to undermine my credibility…just as feminists vie to become the most uber(faux)rapelike victims of the mythical patriarchy in order to establish their victim cred above all others.

    What a nightmare for feminists (and a boon for MRAs) it is that there exists a strong, smart, active and unashamed woman who calls them out on their bullshit.

    If I complain about the sexual harrassment that I experienced from an ugly feminist supervisor who gave me the first negative performance review of my two-decade career the day after I rebuffed her sexual advances, then I am just a whiny psycho pseudo victim fag who is usurping the divine victim status of all the worthless barnacles who in a just world would be scraped off the human condition.

    If, however, a woman dares to address such issues on my behalf in the face of opposition from feminists and manginas…the whining turns about a bit, doesn’t it?

    We need men; we need women. Smart, sound and with agency. And, that then, converge.

    And that is what the Bibo Sez.

    Bless you!

  • Imagine that you’re a target directly sitting in the middle of two foes. Once in a while, you will experience identical angles of attack coming-in from different directions.

    So that’s part of what’s going on.

    Another part is what happens when people flail to throw spaghetti at the wall: something has got to stick.

    Obama can be both a fascist and a socialist at the same time. Top that.

    In the immortal words of Winston Churchill: “You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.”

  • Daisy:
    She’s wearing a rodent costume whilst inbibing the pipe. You didn’t seem to notice the costume, though, so I’m wondering what YOU are imbibing 🙂

    Anyway, what’s with the Dormouse costume, Typhon?

  • “What a nightmare for feminists (and a boon for MRAs) it is that there exists a strong, smart, active and unashamed woman who calls them out on their bullshit.”

    It’s a nightmare for the kind of feminists who throw a feminist like Daisy off their sites. It’s a boon for feminists like Daisy, who have enogh faith in femnism to interrogate it with an adult level of scepticism, find when they are presented with men’s issues and apply their feminist prinicples, that their particular brand of feminism is indeed progressive and egalitarian, just as it claimed all those years ago. They find often enough, perhaps with some initial discomfiture, that they come to many of the same comclusions as MRAs do.

    This separates them from the feminists you find so often on the internet and who run the big feminist sites. These are typically what Feministe styles “the sanctimonious Women’s Studies set”. They appear to mean that ironically, but the irony fails because it’s too close to the truth. It’s a correlary of Poe’s Law.

    These feminsts are not interested in a sceptcally rigorous analytical tool in thier feminism. What they want instead is a comforting dogma, one that will reassure them of their moral superiority – female victimhood and hypoagency – one that will satisfactorily demonize thiri perceived enemies, male and female, (or more often deflect balme form their much more potent female enemies onto males) – patriarchy theory and rape culture – one with a built in defense mechanism that immunizes it to all scepticism and analysis = “Women’s way of knowing”, “feminism is not a monolith”, “Oh, another man trying to define feminism.”

    People like GWW, Typhonblue, JtO, Factory and Paul Elam are a deadly threat to this comfortable closed system, and they get the real vitriol.

  • ‘Anyway, what’s with the Dormouse costume, Typhon?”

    Oh Clarence – do you not know Scripture? ” Remember what the dormouse said – feed your head! Feed your head!”

  • “What’s in the pipe?”

    Just tabaco. Although occasionally during this long tumble down the rabbit hole, I do wonder…

  • Ginkgo: These are typically what Feministe styles “the sanctimonious Women’s Studies set”. They appear to mean that ironically, but the irony fails because it’s too close to the truth.

    They do mean it ironically; the irony only fails when you’re outside their hermetically-sealed glass box. As you are aware 😉

  • ““What’s in the pipe?”

    Just tabaco. Although occasionally during this long tumble down the rabbit hole, I do wonder…”

    I was really waiting for bubbles to come out

  • I thought bubbles would come out, too.

    Feminists and MRA’s are both capable of viewing the world through the lens of rigid gender roles, even if they are picking up on different aspects of traditional gender roles. Feminists will accuse women they disagree with of lacking agency and being under male control, whereas MRA’s will accuse of men they disagree with of being White Knights and being under female control. These are all character attacks from both sides of the aisle. The great irony is that both groups are attacking someone who does not fall in line with traditional gender roles by accusing them of falling in line with traditional gender roles. These are aspects of our gender roles that have been developed through a century or more of the women’s rights movement which pit men and women into adversarial positions. What I think this means is that people like Typhonblue and JtO are hitting a nerve on both sides of the aisle by actually being egalitarian and working towards reconciliation.

  • The answer is to get radfems and radMGTOW to shack up.

    I smell a sitcom.

    These are typically what Feministe styles “the sanctimonious Women’s Studies set”. They appear to mean that ironically, but the irony fails because it’s too close to the truth. It’s a correlary of Poe’s Law.

    It’s ironic that the irony is lost on the ones attempting to be ironic. Or APPEARS to be lost on them. Wheels within wheels: it’s all very postmodern.

  • It’s ironic that the irony is lost on the ones attempting to be ironic.

    You just explained hipsters. Thanks!

  • “The answer is to get radfems and radMGTOW to shack up.

    I smell a sitcom.”

    I smell a shitstorm. It would be awesome reality TV, like a cagefight, but dragged out for weeks. It’ll be huge.

    And thank you logSotot, that was a good one. Welcome, by the way.

By Alison Tieman

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