ArchiveAugust 2012



This post is a bit of a random one-off. Just a (maybe not-so) silly rant.
VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) seems to be getting more egalitarian, slowly but surely. It’s a good sign and good progress. But even if the text of the act becomes 100% egalitarian some time down the road, there is still a problem: the title.…

GENERAL – You Don’t Know Me


In the discussions around gender we have gotten used to feminists making sweeping statements about men and men’s proclivities and tendencies – essentially claims to understand men’s psychology. You’ll see statements about how porn makes men rape, or how men commit DV as a means of maintaining patriarchy, or how men only want equal custody of their kids to get out of paying child support (although...

Harassment in Gaming: Too Much Focus On Women?


JDCyran made a thoughtful and long comment on the “Tropes vs Women” thread that I thought was worth lifting as a post unto itself. Please forgive any proofreading errors, as it was originally just a comment after all. Here is JDCyran’s comment in full:
Speaking of women in gaming, The NY Times printed (digitized?)…

Begging For It


This was originally read out during the AVFM radio segment, The Value of Male Sexuality, and published here.
I’m reproducing it on Genderratic with an addendum in the first comment. The addendum is a reply to a O/T discussion between myself and a commentator on another thread.…

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