Trying To Raise Kids


This post is kind of off-topic, but it’s topical to my life right now. Raising kids is hard. Especially when there are so many people (often including yourself) not modeling proper behavior for them. Thus, I found this video absolutely hilarious (IMO, the genders are incidental; plenty of asshole guys out there too):

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<span class="dsq-postid" data-dsqidentifier="2912">5 comments</span>

  • Funny clip and very telling about how rude our culture has become. This would have been unthinkable just 50 years ago but in today’s world it seems all too common. I am curious why you felt the need to qualify the video with the “plenty of asshole guys out there too” statement? Would you do the same if the vid had been about an “asshole” guy? Would you have commented that there were plenty of asshole women out there too?

  • I am curious why you felt the need to qualify the video with the “plenty of asshole guys out there too” statement?

    I qualified it because our blog has, so far, focused largely on men’s issues and women’s misbehavior. Mind you, there’s nothing wrong with that. But I wanted to make clear that I wasn’t posting this as a continuation of that trend, and that I intended the topic of this post to be more general and less gender-oriented.

    Would you do the same if the vid had been about an “asshole” guy? Would you have commented that there were plenty of asshole women out there too?

    If it were on a blog that so far focused largely on women’s issues and men’s misbehavior, absolutely.

  • Xakudo, it might worked better if you have stated that outright explicitly, wouldn’t sound so… gendered?

    Anyway, weird clip. I didn’t like it much, even though i like CK somewhat, because of the whole stressing of sorry to the point of it being empty magical word.

    What was interesting was the women reaction at the end. It immediately reminded me of Alice Miller story about (her) asking one kindergarten teacher to apologize to (her?) kid, and she didn’t want either. In the end it apparently was hard for the teacher because of her own past and experience. Might have ended in crying, too.

  • I sort of dislike his standup but I thought that clip was awesome. I think I might check out that show.

  • I was looking for an open thread but since this is a bout a dad this link might be on topic enough.

    “Parents may resort to physical means of admonishing their kids in public spaces much more frequently than they admit to in surveys, a new study suggests.
    In another finding, the research showed that fathers tended to more often dole out hugs versus spankings to their kids when out in public.”

    Sort of interesting but IMO not interesting at the complete cluelessness from the supposed psychologist.

    “”I was very surprised to see what many people consider a socially undesirable behavior done by nearly a quarter of the caregivers,” study leader Kathy Stansbury, trained psychologist and associate professor in Michigan State University’s department of human development and family studies, said in a university news release. “I have also seen hundreds of kids and their parents in a lab setting and never once witnessed any of this behavior.”
    Although the study revealed male caregivers touched the children (either in a negative or positive way) more often than women, most of the time the men provided the children with a positive touch.
    “When we think of Dad, we think of him being the disciplinarian, and Mom as nurturer, but that’s just not what we saw,” Stansbury said. “I do think that we are shifting as a society and fathers are becoming more involved in the daily mechanics of raising kids, and that’s a good thing for the kids and also a good thing for the dads.”

    Yes, people act differently in the lab!!!!! And what you think you know about Dad is wrong! And Kathy Stansbury, please stop with the condescension. I think what you mean to say is, “I do think we are shifting as a society and ALLOWING fathers the become more involved…”

    Anyway just something from my local paper.

By Xakudo

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