ArchiveJune 2012

EQUALITY – No Surprise, Actually


Well, well – it’s Gay Pride month, and the Pentagon is holding its own gay pride event. I know this may surprise some, but it shouldn’t. The repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell is going more smoothly than expected and the much feared damage to unit cohesion and retention has not materialized, despite all the dire predictions of people like Elaine Donnelly, who had no real...

MISANDRY – Fathers of Daughters


Hat tip – Ozy Franz, who does a quite good job off hacking up this toxic piece of hate. As she and her commenters point out this is a nearly comprehensive list of man-hatred that you really have to wonder why he doesn’t just run off and kill himself in a fit of self-loathing, or failing that, just cut off his manhood like a good priest of Cybele, if he is this submerged in the Mother archetype...



We have been talking about the gender dynamics of myth and doctrine in Christianity. (When I say “myth”, am using it in the sense of a psychologically active story, regardless of whether it is factual or fictional.)
One of the foundational stories in Christianity is the Garden of Eden story.…

Men, and Patriarchy, In the Church


JTO and myself are publishing a series of articles on the topic of demonization of male sexuality, both how it’s done and why it’s wrong. Our first can be found here, here, and here. 
Below is the most recent instalment on how the Church is a conduit for a misandrous mythology that stigmatizes male sexuality as the vector of original sin from generation to generation.…

Gender Agnosticism


I’m proposing a new way of looking at the relationship between the genders based on aggressive neutrality. Feel free to criticize and comment.
This is also going to be my last post for a few months as I am scaling back my involvement in the gender sphere to focus on my meditation practice and other projects in my life.…

Worst Case Scenario


A while back I watched a video on a Fathers’ support group in Australia. A single father in the group spoke about how his abusive and alcoholic wife had abandoned his children. Although he mentioned how he felt alone, rejected and overwhelmed by the responsibility of raising three children with no support either socially or economically, he concluded his story by saying(paraphrased)...

PARENTING – Some Father’s Day News Items


First item of news – I’m back on the block again. I have been pretty much AWOL for about two weeks now, but with good reason. My mother was visiting for the party we held to welcome my first grandson into the family formally. The first son of the first son of the first son of the first son – too bad there’s no title to inherit.…

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