
Jada is the Real Winner, Anita Sarkeesian Get’s a Peabody, Abusing AI Women | HBR News 350


Hello and welcome to HBR News where we talk about the news of the week! This week we talk about the incident at the Oscars and what men can learn from this, Hulu is currently developing a series based on the suicide of Conrad Roy to give us the perspective of the women who allegedly drove Conrad to suicide, Anita Sarkeesian receives a Peabody award for her work cramming feminism into video game...

How men’s issues show men’s strength | Negative Sum Game 2


Campaign against living miserably’s or CALM is a feminist founded and run charity that deals with men’s mental health. CALM’s chief executive Jane Powell said: “So often their own worst enemies, men need new rules for survival. Outmoded, incorrect and misplaced male self-beliefs are proving lethal and the traditional strong, silent response to adversity is increasingly failing to...

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