CategoryWord from a Nerd

Hannah Wallen offers advice from the perspective of a nerd.

Custody and child support, facts vs feminists


Opponents of men’s rights activism respond to discussion on custody and child support by denying the validity of father’s issues. Their story is that the movement’s assertions about court bias are unfounded. Their counter uses a combination of claims and insinuation to portray men as deadbeats who wantonly father unwanted children, abandon them, and then whine about being...

TIME, Human Rights Watch ignore male victims of violence, report that female victims are ignored


Story: Violence against women with disabilities is often ignored in several countries The TIME story links to a Human Rights Watch report, Include Women, Girls With Disabilities in Anti-Violence Efforts. According to TIME, this report shows that “Women with disabilities are three times as likely to be raped, physically abused or sexually assaulted,” but are “often ignored when...

#gamergate cooties


The social justice warriors of the anti-gamergate mob have spent much of the last year exploiting any hint of victim status they could for attention and financial gain, from simply being offended over things they could avoid to the pain of other people’s still-unfolding tragedies.…

Title IX abuse in university athletic programs


If asked, most feminists will tell you that feminist activism is not an attack on masculinity or the human rights of men and boys. Many of them will quote from writing full of claims about all of the harm feminists don’t want to do to men (in the midst of a post admitting that man-hating is “a thing,”) and blaming any discrimination men face on the phantom concept of...

What was the question?


Eighty year old Giles Corey, accused of witchcraft in 1692 after questioning the word of the girls behind Salem’s witch hysteria, protested his accusation and trial with silence. In an attempt to make him talk the court ordered him “pressed.” This meant he would be laid on his back with a board on his chest, and rocks piled on top of the board until he gave the answer they...

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