CategoryWord from a Nerd

Hannah Wallen offers advice from the perspective of a nerd.

Reading, writing, and… resentment?


Q: How does a social justice organization attempt to promote unity and community among students and parents in a diverse school system? A: Engage in a divisive misplaced guilt campaign! Recently, a group called Students Promoting Unity and Diversity (SPUD) offered an identity politics propaganda display to parents from the Oakland County, Michigan school system to promote a social justice program...

War on victims of female perpetrators goes back to college


For decades now, feminists have been promoting a male-demonizing narrative on sexual violence using statistics produced by deliberately biased research methods. Legislated changes based on that bias, dictating how American institutions of higher education approach allegations of sexual misconduct on campus, have sparked widespread controversy and reawakened existing criticism of that narrative...

Rolling Stone has a journalistic ethics problem. Does their editorial staff want to fix it?


Mistakes happen. Learning from them is one of the ways we become better at the things we do. Most people strive for that, struggling every day to improve their work.
Some, however, choose instead to cultivate and build upon their blunders, spreading their ignominy around, much like a toddler finger painting on the wall with the contents of her recently filled diaper.…

U.S. incarcerated boys report high rate of exploitation by female staff while in custody


The Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 (P.L. 108-79) requires the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) to develop national data collections on the incidence and prevalence of sexual violence within adult and juvenile correctional facilities. To fulfill that requirement, BJS statisticians have begun surveying incarcerated youth on their experiences of sexual violence while in custody.…

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