Male Rape Victims Need Not Apply


The military has a problem with sexual assault.

As many men as women have come forward as victims. Likely this means that the problem for men is even more vast then they admit.

Look at this article on the problem.

Notice how the equal number of male victims suddenly disappear when it gets personal. Not a single male victim is named or quoted. Nor is their victimization described.

And, get this, in the article they’re going after military instructors for “improper sexual conduct” which, I assume, means having presumably consensual sexual contact with people under your command.

In the case of prisoners in juvenile and adult detention facilities, the vast majority of “improper sexual conduct” is female staff on male inmate. The power a female guard wields over a male inmate is far greater then that of a military instructor over a trainee. Do we hear about this? No.

In the comments individuals are clucking and crowing about the immorality of covering up these indiscretions, all the while ignoring and minimizing male victims.

I’m curious if it’s homophobia (ignoring male-on-male assault)? Or heterosexism (ignoring female-on-male assault)? Or is it just plain virulent misandry?

I think I’m going to propose that the dividing line between man and ape is bald faced hypocrisy.

Also thanks to the tumbler feminist in my previous post for the heads-up. She linked to this piece in an effort to show rampant misogyny but, of course, all she did was reveal a deeper well of misandry.

And down the rabbit hole we tumble.

Alison Tieman
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Alison Tieman

<span class="dsq-postid" data-dsqidentifier="2983">12 comments</span>

  • I think is is a function of the invisible male dynamic. Males are only predators or privileged any other position and they disappear.

  • You can see this same thing happen in discussion of domestic violence. Ever notice how most discussions start off with a gender neutral look at DV but quickly turn into a gendered discussion about male against female violence?

  • My Dearest Beloveds –

    Apologies if this runs off topic, but I had to get this out.

    I struggle with Typhon Blue’s (TB) posts and insights a lot. As I gather from the commentary that has followed TB’s previous posts: many of us, including those who have taken even the ruddiest of the pills, and on just about every angle of these issues, engage in related internal conflicts of understanding and agreement with her.

    OK, to clarify. TB oft sounds crazy to me. And also, and disturbingly, correct. Inevitably. Fucking bitch. Deal with it. I’m working on that.

    Hell, I confess that the preverse truth bourne of TB’s relentless challenges to, and destruction of, gendered understandings is becoming more and more breathtakingly clear to me. Damn it all.

    And God please forgive us for kicking the orthodoxy in the ass, but just as I am continuing to toy with my own social interactions based on TB’s seemingly lunatic thinking, I am also reaping the benefits of it. Fuck me sideways.

    Now, why is this important to me, today?

    I’ve recently learned a young male friend of mine (about half my age of 53) is dying – an aggressive disease, formerly in remission, is now out of control, and he will be gone soon.

    Based on what I’ve been learning from TB, I’m not coddling him, nor crying with him as a victim. He is getting more than enough of this from the others around us – as I understand it, although he is hesitant to tell his parents, our well-meaning friends are ready to “out” his condition to his family, and I stand alone with him in respecting whatever he wants to do.

    I treat him as a man. A real man, with strengths, skills, power and agency – and also, with weaknesses that his dignity as a man makes him hesitant to reveal even to his own parents, who have suffered through much with him.

    One way or another, the truth will be, in both life and death.

    I cover his back as best I can; he has mine, and I pray we both know it.

    And yes, I hugged him tonight, perhaps for the last time, and God willing, I’ll ask him to use his unique skills to help me out tomorrow. And the next day, and for as many days as he has left to give me.

    I pledge that I will exploit his male agency relentlessly, so as, I hope, to give his few days real meaning in our struggle to support and maintain the future of our shared community – as I think any human who prefers working for actual and real goals instead of devolving into whining helplessness would want to do.

    What a shock, that a man might love, encourage and respect another man in this way.

    And when that time comes, my friend and male disposability will meet. As death will meet us all, woman and man, alike.

    I find ultimate meaning for my own life in the survival of my community. I hope my friend finds meaning for his life as well, and I hope my poor, selfish and defective efforts to respect him as a man, and as a human, help us one and all.

    And that is what the Bibo Sez.

    Bless you!

  • And, get this, in the article they’re going after military instructors for “improper sexual conduct” which, I assume, means having presumably consensual sexual contact with people under your command.

    That presumption might be a bit premature. The ‘Sexual Victimization in Prisons and Jails Reported by Inmates, 2008-09′ report by BJS (link: ) groups both consensual (or willingly as they say) sexual as well as physical forced and coerced sexual contact between staff and inmates in a category named “staff sexual misconduct”. Notwithstanding the argument that there exists a imbalanced power relationship between the prison staff and the inmate which may put a question mark as to the consensual part I find that the word “misconduct” although technically correct is in my view a gross mischaracterization of actions which includes forcible and violent rape.

    Then there is this from the Appendix B: Technical note in the NISVS 2010 Report:

    …a random sample of female active duty military and female spouses of active duty military. Data from these two additional samples are not presented in this initial report but will be described in future publications.

    One can only feel saddened by the assumptions which must underlie such a decision to only survey women in the population of active duty military and active duty military spouses.

  • I find that the word “misconduct” although technically correct is in my view a gross mischaracterization of actions which includes forcible and violent rape.

    Depends on your characterization of rape. If we remove the worse-than-mass-murder taboo that’s associated with it, then it fits right in, especially considering the potential consequences.

    I was a guard in POW camps and I can say without any hesitation that people in that position need to be held to the most stringent moral standards possible. It might seem all innocent at first, when they lose their professionalism, but wait until there is some sort of emergency and they have to stay awake for 2-3 days straight, guarding prisoners who created an emotional response in them on a good day. Things will go wrong, one way or another. A guard having a sexual relationship with a prisoner means that they are compromised, corrupt, unable to carry out their duties in a professional manner, and are liable to put the lives of other guards and prisoners at risk. And that’s just consensual sex.

  • Typhon,
    “I assume, means having presumably consensual sexual contact with people under your command. ”

    Basically there is no such thing, either interpersonally on a psychological level, and certainly not on the legal level. It is seen and handled basically as a form of chold molestation.

    A relationship between a commander and a subordinate is absolutley taboo, but even relationships between enlisted and officers in quite separate commands are prohibited, all across DOD now.

    It varies around the world I am sure, but in the West this is pretty much the norm.

  • @Kenny: I like their answering machine thing. Obvious assholes are so much less harmfull than the assholes who hide thier true nature. Anything that gives passive agressive woman-children chance to show their true colors is a win for straight/bi men/bi/lesbian women in my book.

  • Expect institutions to fall like dominos. There will be a history of cover ups of sexual abuse in all of them. Scouts, YMCAs, our education systems as well. In some instances men will be the primary offenders. In some it will be women. The primary victims will be male regardless.

  • When a well-known feminist who is also a lawyer defends the ethics of publicly broadcasting one’s rapist on social media in a large newspaper it seems from the article that male victim’s need not apply there either (male victims are not mentioned with a single word):

    My take on that article can be found here:

  • The wife watched a documentary on women being raped in the military. I made the mistake of stating that women probably should not be in the military in that regards. Naturally that meant I was really blaming women for rape, was really placing limits on her, and all other manner of ‘deeply offensive’ things (her words).

    I’m outta here.

By Alison Tieman

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